Posts in Healthy Pregnancy
Folate vs Folic Acid: What You Need to Know for a Healthy Pregnancy

If you're pregnant or planning to conceive, you're probably familiar with the importance of getting enough folate (vitamin B9) for the healthy development of your baby. Folate is essential for cell growth and division, and it plays a critical role in the formation of the neural tube, which develops into the brain and spinal cord. Inadequate folate intake during pregnancy can lead to neural tube defects, such as spina bifida, as well as other birth defects, including cardiovascular complications, cognitive dysfunction, low birth weight, and cancer.

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Progesterone & Pregnancy

Progesterone is a crucial hormone for women's health, particularly during pregnancy. Often referred to as the "pregnancy hormone," progesterone plays a vital role in fertility and maintaining a pregnancy to full term, live birth. In this article, we explore the importance of progesterone in early pregnancy and its potential impact on threatened miscarriage, recurrent miscarriage, and preterm birth.

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